The FRDC is part of a larger national agrisystem and global community working together to tackle shared challenges. the size and extent of these challenges means that collaboration will be critical.
The objects of the PIRD Act provide the foundation for everything that the FRDC does and ensures there is alignment between FRDC’s strategic plan and the CRRDC’s vision for 2050. as the FRDC aims to achieve the outcomes of this R&D Plan it will continue to work closely with the CRRDC and other rural research and development corporations on areas of common interest.
The focus of this R&D Plan is consistent with the Australian Government’s rural research, development and extension priorities:
- advanced technology — to enhance innovation of products, processes and practices across the food and fibre supply chains through technologies such as robotics, digitisation, big data, genetics and precision agriculture,
- biosecurity — to improve understanding and evidence of pest and disease pathways to help direct biosecurity resources to their best uses, minimising biosecurity threats and improving market access for primary producers,
- soil, water and managing natural resources — to manage soil health, improve water use efficiency and certainty of supply, sustainably develop new production areas and improve resilience to climate events and impacts,
- adoption of R&D— focusing on flexible delivery of extension services that meet primary producers’ needs and recognising the growing role of private service delivery.
The FRDC’s investment in R&D over the life this R&D Plan, also aligns in focus or intent with global and national strategies, which include the:
- United Nations Sustainable Development Goals,
- Australian Government’s nine science and research priorities and associated practical research challenges relating to food, soil and water, transport, advanced manufacturing, environmental change and health,
- National Marine Science Plan, National Fishing Advisory Council, Australian Fisheries Management Forum and relevant industry and sector plans.
Considering both national and international strategies has been important because the FRDC and the planned outcomes of this five-year R&D Plan are part of a movement for change in public policy generally and the use of aquatic resources in particular.